Iron City OT

Iron City OT

At Iron City OT, we unlock the full potential of children by utilizing specialized therapy.

Our goal is to enable babies, toddlers, and kids to thrive by supporting families from the newborn stage throughout the developmental ages to achieve milestones and progress functional skills.

Toddlers playing

Developmental Pediatric


Newborn Baby Sleeping
Baby fashion. Unisex clothes for babies. Two Cute baby girls

Building Skills for a Lifetime of Growth!

Toddler playing with montessori toys


Occupational Therapy

What a child does every day is their OCCUPATION! Working together, we can achieve a solid developmental foundation.

Our Treatment Expertises


Skills for head and trunk control, sitting, rolling, crawling, standing, walking, balance, and coordination.


The movement and coordination of small muscles in the hands & wrists.

Tongue Ties and Oral Tissue Restrictions

Oral restrictions may impact an infant’s skills for feeding, movement, play, and sleep. Addressing the entire body for tension, range of motion restrictions, strength, motor coordination, sensory processing, and cranial nerve function supports developmental milestones.


Tightness of the neck/body and flat head syndrome.


How our senses receive information, organize it, and use it to participate in activities.


Primitive Reflexes are repetitive, automatic movements that provide the foundation for all motor coordination skills. If retained, these can impact development.

Customized high-quality therapy to support children and families.

We Offer:

Occupational Therapy Evaluations

Traditional Model of Weekly Therapy Sessions

Intensive Model of Therapy Sessions

Coming Soon: Developmental Wellness and Play Groups

Newborn Baby Sleeping

Infant Therapy

Utilizing a blend of

bodywork, purposeful play, and family education,

we offer a powerful approach to nurturing babies, helping them feel good and thrive.

We Support

Milestone Achievements:

Tummy Time, Rolling, Sitting, Crawling, Walking

Infant Feeding- breast and bottle

Oral motor skills with a specialized emphasis on

tethered oral tissues (TOTs)/tongue and lip ties

Expert guidance before and after tongue/lip release procedures.

Torticollis treatment that is efficient and pain-free.

Head-shaping interventions for plagiocephaly with successful outcomes in preventing the need for a helmet orthosis.

Neuromotor Development and Sensory Integration

Autonomic Nervous System Regulation

Our goal is to help babies

feed, sleep, and move better

using a gentle approach.

Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI)

Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) is a therapeutic technique used by therapists to treat children with motor delay by improving automatic postural responses and promoting progress toward developmental milestones.

“It’s so amazing seeing the difference in DMI therapy vs regular Physical or Occupational therapy. Cas has been in therapy since he was 7 months old and we haven’t seen any progress with him like we have in this one week of DMI.”

DMI therapy with Iron City OT has been life-changing for him and us! We are beyond grateful to have found her and can’t wait to continue seeing all of his gains!”

DMI can benefit children with any type of motor delay including;

Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, global developmental delay, hypotonia, chromosomal abnormalities/genetic disorders, spinal cord lesions, or acquired brain injury.

DMI empowers children through movement by stimulating strong neuroplastic changes within the developing brain.

DMI Focuses On:

-Gross Motor Skills -Alignment -Postural Control

-Balance -Range of Motion -Functional Movements - Somatosensory Development

-Modifying Tone and Reflexes -Global Development

Cute Baby Crawling on Floor at Home

Intensive Therapy

Iron City OT is excited to be the first clinic offering DMI services and intensives in the state.

You will work with the highest certified DMI therapist in ALabama.

Intensive Therapy consists of 1-2 sessions per day for 1-2 weeks.

Mini Intensives are offered for those who may want to try out an intensive, target a specific skill, or help with establishing or progressing a home exercise program. Mini intensives are a duration of 3 consecutive days with 1-2 sessions per day.

Why intensive therapy?

An intensive allows for repetition and consistency targeting specific skills for a child to achieve goals in a shorter amount of time.

Many children gain more progress in 2 weeks of intensive therapy than they do in a whole 12 months of ongoing traditional therapy.

Jana Newton

Founder of Iron City OT

Jana utilizes a holistic approach with each child embracing their developmental journey. With over 15 years of occupational therapy experience, she is excited for Iron City OT to team up with families to achieve big goals.

Jana completed her undergraduate studies at The University of Alabama; followed by her Master’s of Occupational Therapy from The University of Alabama at Birmingham. She has developed a well-rounded skill set while serving clients in early intervention, acute care hospitals, inpatient rehab, and schools. Throughout her career, she has worked with clients at every stage of the life span, each holding a unique place in her heart. Pediatrics she found, is her true passion and where she is meant to be.

Jana sees the potential in every child; the neuroplasticity of a child's brain when combined with skilled intervention changes the trajectory of a life. She strongly believes in the science that supports the connection between the brain and body as the foundation of everything we do daily.

Specialized Training:

Level C Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) practitioner

Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT)

Advanced Board Certified in Physical Agents of Modalities (PAMS)

Total Motion Release-Tots (TMR-TOTS) certified

TASES certified utilizing electrical stimulation

Tongue Ties and Tethered Oral Tissues

Iron City OT evolved out of Jana’s desire to truly connect with her clients. She nurtures a culture of strong relationships between therapists and families. As a team, Iron City OT works hard with clients to share in the pure joy of life achievements!

Cute Baby's Bedroom

Frequently Asked


How do we get started?

Complete our Interest Form (Click Here)

We discuss your child’s needs, how Iron City OT can help him or her succeed, and answer questions for you to feel confident in making the best provider choice for your child going into the evaluation.

Does Iron City OT accept insurance?

Yes, we are in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield.

We are working towards credentialing with more insurances in the future.

What if Iron City OT is not in network with my insurance?

We offer a private pay rate

Iron City OT will provide superbills upon request for out-of-network insurance. Families may submit this superbill to their insurance in an attempt for reimbursement.

What are the Private Pay Rates?

Evaluation- $125

Treatment Session- $125

What ages does Iron City OT treat in the clinic?

In our clinic, we focus on developmental skills; working with newborns, and continuing throughout the developmental years.

The ages 0-5 is a large part of the population we treat, yet if your child may be older and working on developmental skills or have underlying developmental challenges we could still be a solid fit to help your child. We don’t only look at age, we look at a child holistically to determine if Iron City OT is your best choice.

We believe every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential; therefore, if we are not the best option we know many other great practitioners to refer you to. We value educating families on the importance of working with practitioners who have the skills and resources to meet your child’s needs.

How young can my baby begin therapy?

We can start seeing your child from the day you get home from the hospital. The newborn days are vital in a child’s development.

Our approach to infant therapy is gentle, prioritizing education and comprehensive support for the family, resulting in proven positive outcomes.

We work with newborns to release restrictions in the body which may be limiting feeding, sleeping, and movement.

Treatment for torticollis and plagiocephaly (flat head) is one of our specialties. Both are best treated early for positive outcomes and to not limit developmental skills.

What is an evaluation, traditional treatment model, and intensive model?

Therapy Evaluation:

Your child’s strengths and challenges are assessed to develop a plan of care.

Therapy Traditional Sessions:

The frequency of treatment sessions will be recommended after the evaluation.

Making a plan with the family, children are typically seen 1-2 times a week for therapy.

Intensive Therapy:

Sessions for a 1-2 weeks duration consisting of 2 sessions per day that are customized for your child primarily using DMI therapy along with other treatment tools to help your child achieve goals in a shorter amount of time.

Mini intensives are offered for those who may want to try out an intensive, target a specific skill, or help with establishing or progressing a home exercise program. Mini intensives are a duration of 3 consecutive days consisting of 1- 2 sessions per day.

Does DMI have a weight limit?

Jana’s DMI weight limit is 40 lbs, if your child may be over this please inform her as she will need to assess if the child is appropriate for this type of therapy.

DMI is physically demanding on the therapist and child; therefore, for safety, a weight limit and the child’s abilities must be considered.

Jana is a very experienced therapist with treatment skills beyond DMI and many DMI exercises can be adapted when working with a larger or older child. Please do not hesitate to reach out to discuss options if your child is over 40 pounds. Iron City OT has a lot more to offer than only DMI.

Does Iron City OT contract with schools?

Yes! Iron City OT has an exceptional school therapy team, partnering with both local private and public schools to support occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech therapists.

We invite you to reach out to explore collaboration opportunities and establish a contract tailored to your school’s needs. Let's work together to achieve excellence in therapy services for your students!

Contact Us

Complete our Interest Form CLICK HERE!

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135 Gemini Circle, Suite 201

Homewood, AL 35209

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